Periodic Inspections
We specialise in Periodic Inspection projectsPeriodic Testing involves the testing of electrical services and systems that conduct electricity around a building. It covers all of the hard wiring in a building and includes items such as main panels, distribution boards, lighting, socket outlets, air conditioning and other fixed plant.
The testing involves performing a sequence of rigorous visual inspections and electrical tests on all systems in the building.
A careful check should be made of the type of equipment on site so that the necessary precautions can be taken, where conditions require, to disconnect or short-out electronic and other equipment which may be damaged by testing.
As part of a periodic inspection, we will perform a full safety check on all electrical installations in your workplace. We start with a visual inspection. Following this, a more detailed investigation using ETCI (Electro-Technical Council of Ireland) approved electrical installation test equipment is sued. Powerwise will provide you with a detailed inspection report highlighting any issues found and actions needed to rectify these issues.

A periodic inspection ensures a safe workplace for all employees and is a vital part of the Health & Safety programme for any business. In fact, the ‘Safety, Health And Welfare At Work’ Statutory Regulation 89(b) of SI 299 2007 as amended by SI 732 2007 states that all employers are obliged to hold a valid Periodic Inspection Report.
A periodic inspection will:
- Highlight possible electric shock risks in addition to fire hazards.
- Show any electrical circuits or equipment that are overloaded.
- Show up faulty electrical work.
- Reveal any lack of earthing or bonding.
How often are they needed?
Periodic inspections of electrical equipment should be carried out every 5 years for commercial properties.
This can either be a single, full inspection every 5 years or annual inspections carried out each year over a 5 year period. Annual inspections will ensure that electrics are checked once a year for faults.
Our price is very competitive so please call for a quote.
Please contact Powerwise Electrical directly for a quote.
All works are carried out by qualified and competent trained electricians